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Developer's Guide

Welcome to the MolTopolParser developer's guide. This guide provides all the necessary information for setting up your development environment, understanding the codebase, and contributing effectively to the project.

Environment Setup

Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the MolTopolParser repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd MolTopolParser

Create a Virtual Environment

It's recommended to create a virtual environment for development to manage dependencies cleanly:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

Install all required dependencies using pip:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Run Tests

Ensure that all tests pass to verify your setup:

pytest tests -v -s

Developing a New Module

If you are adding a new module to support a different simulation software, here's how to get started:

Add a module file

  1. Create a new file under the moltopolparser directory for your module, e.g.,
  2. Register the new module in the file:
from . import xxx
__all__ = ['gmx', 'xxx']

Define Data Classes

Organize your module using the Three-Order Component (TOC) model:

  1. Level 1 Base Data Classes - Define data classes for the smallest data units.
  2. Level 2 Aggregation Classes - Group base classes into meaningful sections.
  3. Level 3 Summary Classes - Organize and manage entire file contents or complex data structures.

Implement Parsing Functions

Add class methods for parsing data, validating, and possibly manipulating or transforming data.

Testing Your Module

Create a testing file in the tests directory:

  1. Structure: Place your test file, e.g.,
  2. Data Files: Store necessary data files under tests/data/xxx/ for use in tests.

Example Code Block

Here’s a simplified structure of what your module file might look like:

# Header and Imports
Module to parse and manage data from Software XXX
import necessary_libraries # (1)

# Base dataclasses
class BaseClass:

# Aggregation dataclasses
class AggregateClass:

# Summary dataclasses
class SummaryClass:

# Additional helper functions if needed
  1. If new packages need to be installed, please also update the and requirements.txt files

Understanding Data Access and Manipulation

MolTopolParser simplifies the process of working with molecular simulation files by providing structured data access through its class hierarchy. The process typically begins with the initialization of a top-level data class, which acts as a gateway to all underlying data associated with a simulation.

Top-Level Dataclass Initialization

When you initialize the top-level dataclass, it constructs an instance that encapsulates all the necessary information of the system and its related contents from the target files. This encapsulation allows for a structured and organized approach to accessing and manipulating the data:

# Example of initializing a top-level dataclass
system_topology = SystemTopology(parser="path/to/")

Accessing Data

Once the top-level class is initialized, specific data can be accessed by invoking corresponding methods defined within the class. These methods typically follow the naming convention pull_* to indicate that they retrieve specific types of data or perform certain operations to organize and validate data:

# Example of accessing data using a method
forcefield_data = system_topology.forcefield
molecules = system_topology.molecules


The following figure demonstrates the Initialization and Access Procoesses based on a toy module file.

Data-flow Illustration

Here’s the toy module file:

Five Sections in a toye module file

#####  Header information 
#####  Import replying modules
import ... 
class Base1(BaseModel):
    ### attributes, e.g. 
    field_1: int = Field(..., description="x")
    ### parse templates
    model_config = ConfigDict(
    #### classmethod for parsing 
    def parser(cls, content: List[str]) -> Union["Base1", List["Base1"]]:
class Base2 ...
class Aggregation1(BaseModel):
    ### attributes of BaseData e.g. 
    field_1: List[Base1] = Field(..., description="x")
    field_2: List[Base2] = Field(..., description="x")
    ### parse templates
    model_config = ConfigDict(
    ### classmethod parsing
    def parser(cls, content_lines: Optional[List[str]] = None, content_files: Optional[List[str]] = None):
        Parse the aggregation data from the content passed when it is called
        data1_list = Base1.parser(content_lines) # <-- call the exact parsing classmethod at Base level 
        data2_list = Base2.parser(content_lines)
        data = {
        return Aggregation1(**data) 
class Summary(BaseModel):
    ### manditory attributes to initite  
    field_1: str = Field(..., description="x")
    ### attritues composed of AggregationData to be parsed e.g. 
    field_2: Optional[List[Aggregation1]] = Field(None, description="x")
    ### attritue, collection of content to be passed when delegate the parsing tasks
    ### could be lines of data, or route of flles 
    pass_content: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None,description="x",)

    ### parse templates
    model_config = ConfigDict(
    ### classmethod for shallow parsing,
    ### obtain the  manditory attributes 
    ### and return a cls instance
    def parser(cls, filename: str):

    ### instance method to delegate parsing tasks 
    def pull_field2(self)
        ### call aggregation level classmethod
        self.field_2 = Aggregation1.parser(self.pass_content)        
### Helper functions e.g. 
### deployed to filter out commnets in content, 
### to locate range of data need to be passed. 

Practice with

Module contains all the detailed implemenations. Via reading the code, all the concepts should be clarified.

It is also recommended to copy the to start a new module.

Submitting Contributions

Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repository - Make a copy of the project on your GitHub account.
  2. Make your changes - Work on your fork and make the changes you propose.
  3. Submit a pull request - Open a pull request from your fork back to the main repository.

Code Style and Review

Follow PEP 8 guidelines for Python code. Ensure your code is clean and well-documented. All contributions will undergo a review process by core maintainers.


Early Version Data Structure Improvements

In the initial versions of MolTopolParser, all data classes inherit directly from pydantic.BaseModel. This implementation did not utilize templated data classes for each hierarchical level, leading to some redundancy that could be streamlined to enhance the package's efficiency and maintainability. If you encounter issues or have suggestions for improvements, please do not hesitate to submit an issue request or contribute directly by implementing enhancements.

API Documentation

As of now, comprehensive API documentation has not been established for MolTopolParser. For users requiring documentation of specific data formats, it is advised to create a markdown file, such as, detailing the data structure and its usage. Place this file in the docs/reference directory. To update the documentation site with this new information, add an entry to the mkdocs.yml file under the Reference section and use the mkdocs serve command to generate and view the documentation locally.

Example modification in mkdocs.yml file:

  - Getting Started:
  - Concepts:
  - Developer's Guide:
  - Reference:
      - gmx.MolTop: reference/
      - Name_eg_xxx.yyy: reference/ #<------ here 
Run the following command to render the documentation:

mkdocs serve

Need Help?

If you encounter any problems or have questions while contributing, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.